For Sales and Enquiries in NSW, VIC, SA, TAS, ACT, NT and WA:

Phone: +61 2 9707 5800
Address: 25 Harley Crs, Condell Park, NSW 2200

For Sales and Enquiries in QLD

Precision Stainless Systems Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 9707 5888
Address: 16 West Link Place, Richlands QLD 4077

While we continue to bed down profile operations in Brisbane, all Queensland based profile enquiries will be handled from Sydney.

Please submit all orders at our Web Shop. Our Sydney and Brisbane facilities are warehouses and do not have normal retail point of sale facilities for walk-in sales. Warehouse visits are by appointment only. You will be notified when your order is available for collection.

Need some help or advice? Complete the Contact Us form and we’ll be in touch shortly.